Friday, June 24, 2011

content. that word that know one knows, but everyone needs.

content: desiring no more than what one has; satisfied.
voila, there is thy definition.
i stumbled across this word on Emii's blog, girlz4god, who saw it on Talia's blog, girlzofgod. (check these out right over there!!! i totally encourage it, there amazing. ----> )  both there post were so awesome, and genuine, i thought of making one myself.
  we all need to be content. with everything.  the opposite of being content is selfish, and who wants that? definitely not our beloved Jesus, right?  Paul knew exactly what God was talking about. don't want more then you have, because you should be grateful for what you have. now that doesnt mean you cant have seconds at the church banquet or something. but it does mean letting that lady with the cane and the three year old with the ribbon gets theres first, ya know? or at least in my opinion. if you cant grasp content, just try not being selfish.
ok. i know what your thinking. "yes hannah, cause your perfect. NEVER selfish."  but trust me. i am SO selfish. i dont wanna admit it, cant hide the truth. ;)
so try not being selfish. try one little thing at a time. like letting your brother or sister have the last cherry popsicle. or let someone else have the front seat. (without complaint)   its not gonna happen over night, (trust me, ive been trying this for-ever) but with a little faith, some acts of kindness and a lot of God-time...we got this. ;)  
be content. God will smile. i promise. :)
ta-ta for now!

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