Sunday, July 10, 2011

just keep swimming, swimming, swimming, just keep swimming....

i watched Finding Nemo the other day, and now whenever i feel down, Dori just comes to mind...

(she's always so energetic and happy:)

  anyways, thats not really the subject of my post. what its really about, is swimming lessons.
dun dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
but, thank fully, i'll be teaching swimming lessons.
not really teaching, (considering im only 13) but more like exampl-ing. there'll be the main teacher, then i'll just show little 2 year olds that it is not as scary as they think to go under water :)
normally, i should be payed 30 bucks. but, its just gonna pay off for my younger siblings classes. which is ok. (i mean, who wouldnt want 30 bucks? but eh, i'll participate to the fam ;)
this is my first time "explain-er-ing", so please pray i don't drown in the 2 foot pool ;)
(oh, and sorry this is so short and not to interesting, buti didnt know what to post, and i thought i should since a didnt yesterday...)
oh well :)

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