Tuesday, July 5, 2011

a littile mix-up...i published this on the third, and accidently erased it. so here it is again. to see what i DID post today, scroll down. SORRY!

welp, i was blog surfing again (from my sad lonely life ;)  and almost everyone did this blog challenge in feburary, right? ok, so i know its JULY, but hey. i break rules. ;)  its a month thingy and your about to read my very first one :)
DAY ONE: a favorite song
are you KIDDING me? music and me are like this. *crosses fingers*  just ONE song? aww! *whines like 3 year old who doesnt get the ice-cream truck ice-cream when it passes her house*
*sigh*  alright, since i cant just pick ONE, im gonna say the latest one. which would be...
                   *drum roll* (chloe please dont murder me...)
One Time, by Justin Bieber.

ok, i know what your thinking. (or at least what Chloe's thinking)   "hannah, he sings like a girl, girls throw themselves at him, and hes so...blech"
but whats not to like? hes talented, his musics catchy and upbeat, he's a good person who happens to be a Christian...

and hey...he IS pretty cute. ;)
ta-ta for now! :)

1 comment:

emii said...

Hey! I tend not to email, but just know that Jesus loves you and you can talk to Him about anything!