Saturday, July 30, 2011

sighs, sorrows, and my latest engagment

chloe still hasn't txted me back yet.
you see that? i italisized that. and that means buissness in the blogging world.
truthfully, i'm seriously freaking out. like, i wanted to go walk to her house, but my mom wouldnt let me. its awful. i mean seriously. i havent contacted my bestie in over FOUR DAYS.
FOUR DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!
so chloe. please talk to me. or lemme know your alive. your wanted poster is up below, (hahaha. up below. that didn't make sense....)  and i is still searching. i can only pray Voldemort hasn't caught you...
so, moving lovingly along, that was pretty sorrow-ful, but my real sorrow, was that.......
oh. that was it.
*grunts and starightens imaginary bowler hat*
moving--once again---lovingly along......
now. for all of you who have read Jocee's blog, (who i shall be guest posting on monday!!! yays!)
you may start thinking that i'm copying her. well. you know what I THINK?!
*coughs fakely but believably*
i am now O-fffically in love with.......
*sighs to dreamily to say his name*
aww. aint his "serious" face  just so dang lovable?!
what has created this engagment, you ask?
well he asked of course.
but why? because i watched Prince Caspian yesterday, and....i started writing the sorry letter to Jocee....
so amazzing......
so, yea. you are all invited to be my lovely bridesmaides, along with chloe, (IF SHES STILL ALIVE)  Lucy, and Suzanne. it shall be quite joyous dont you think? aslan will be there, and Peter here has been helping me with my accent ;)

*sigh* :)  :) :)

so enough with reality. lets drift back into dreams.......
;) lol.

1 comment:

Alyianna said...

I'm glad you like Peter so much...THAT MEANS I HAVE EDMUND TO MYSELF!!! :D